Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Beware, Chilling Tales of Horror, 1954

Here is another book from the time of the Senate's hearings on juvenile delinquency and comics in 1954, Beware, Chilling Tales of Horror number 10. The cover date is July. This means that the book was on the newsstands in May of 1954. There is a 3 month difference between the month on the cover and when it is actually for sale on the newsstands.

The cover art is by Frank Frazetta and Sid Check. This is a rare example of Frazetta's horror genre work from the period. It is probably Check's inking over Frazetta's pencils; but I wonder if that is true. The female figure is obviously by Frazetta and the composition looks like it is also his. The living corpses seem a little stiff, to me, to have been drawn by Frazetta. Frazetta was about 26 when this was done; so, his full mature style had not completely blossomed. A few inconsistencies in style might happen. Compare the small size of the woman's head to the head of the creature holding her. What a big rotting skeleton melon on that thing!

Cool cover!! I have no complaints!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever actually seen the cover to this. Wow, it's nifty!