Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Wolf Man Pose

My plastic figure looks like it may have been modeled from this Wolf Man pose in Universal's 1943 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man film.

I like a lot of the visuals in this movie; but it was the beginning of the decline in the quality of Universal's monster movies.

From Wikipedia:  During lunch at the Universal commissary, screenwriter Siodmak had joked to producer George Waggner that he had a great title for a new film in the series (half-heartedly — he needed a down payment for a new car): "Frankenstein Wolfs The Meatman". Waggner, not known for a casual sense of humor left to have his lunch; shortly thereafter, he called Siodmak to his office, telling him to "Change the title to Franeknstein Meets The Wolfman — and go ahead, buy the car."

NOTE: I found someone is selling the pvc Wolf Man figure on ebay. The discription lists it as from 1991 and is a Universal licensed piece from Hamilton Gifts Ltd., who had produced a series of four figures.   

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