There are some nice visual moments in the film but perhaps a lot of the interest in the characters either got lost in the editing room or may have never been there. The storytelling seemed rushed along. I am still not sure who the main villain was. If the series continues, there were 10 novels, I hope attention will be put to one strong story line, and not be as scattered as this first movie is.
Lynn Collins, as the Dejah Thoris character, was a pleasant surprise. From seeing trailers, I had not expected much from her performance; but she and the visuals helped save the movie.
I saw the 3D version, my first time with 3D, and I found it a disappointing and hazy experience. I am hoping to see a DVD version without 3D when it is released. I may enjoy it more.
I wonder what anyone unfamiliar with the novels thinks of the movie?
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